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The Holiday Travel Tips You May Not Know

You’ve got the basics down. Do your research, sure. Pack a change of clothes in your bag, check. Read the reviews, of course! 

You may have travel tips that have served you well over the years, but what about these pro-traveler tips for the holidays? Holiday travel brings new opportunities for making lifelong memories, and a few new challenges as well. The holidays are a great time for traveling, and with these lesser-known tips in your back pocket, you’ll have everything you need to plan the perfect getaway.

1. Consider a Holiday Cruise

If you’ve driven or flown during the holiday season, you know it can be a hassle getting to even one new place. Next time, consider kicking back and letting a holiday cruise handle all the travel logistics for you. Not only is the journey part of the fun, but you’ll also get to see several breathtaking bucket-list destinations in a single trip!

2. Don’t Travel the Day Before

Repeat after us: “I will not travel the day before a major holiday!” This goes for Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah and New Year’s Eve. That being said, if you want fewer crowds, consider traveling on the holiday itself. 

3. Plan Activities Early

Not all of us are planners, but around the holidays it can be even more important to sketch out a rough itinerary of what you want to see and do during your getaway. Having your reservation or event tickets before traveling means you won’t miss out on top activities.

4. Go For Your Dream Destination

The holidays are the perfect time to treat yourself to that vacation you’ve been eyeing for ages, the one you’ve wanted to go on your whole life. Bucket-list destinations, fun-filled excursions and unbeatable deals are just the beginning— if you were looking for a sign to book your dream vacay, this is it!

5. Get the Local Language Download

You should do your best to download the local language, both literally and mentally. Most translation apps let you save a language for offline use—a lifesaver when Wi-Fi service may be unavailable—so set it up on your phone early.

You can also learn some local phrases for celebrating the holidays! If you have to ask for directions, locals will appreciate hearing a simple “Hanukkah Sameach!” or “Feliz Navidad” before you ask your question.

On a Carnival cruise, you can take advantage of the diverse onboard crew who hail from every corner of the world! Any of our team members would love to help you get the hang of some words and phrases from their native language while you’re cruising.

6. Relax with a Spa Treatment


The hustle and bustle of the holidays can be exciting, especially when traveling, but it can also be tiring. Prevent burnout by scheduling some time to relax—  fuzzy robe, cucumbers-on-your-eyes kind of relaxing. You can find spa treatments and even holiday specials at some hotels or cruise ships, so kick back and indulge in a little self-care during your trip.

7. Stay Safe and Informed

Time for a holiday safety tip rundown! First, don’t forget to lock up your home before heading off on your festive adventure. Double-check that all doors and windows are locked up tight, and set your alarm system if you have one. Next, share your travel plans with friends or family, as well as any itinerary and contact information you think may be helpful. Finally, be a smart traveler and research destinations ahead of time— whether it’s local regulations or holiday-specific information, it’s never a bad thing to be more informed about the places you’re visiting.

8. Adapt To Time Changes Early

Set your alarm earlier or force yourself to stay up a little later to match your sleeping hours with your destination. This is a great year-round travel tip that helps you hit the ground running and feel less jetlagged. Adapting early is particularly important for holiday travelers, who may want to partake in evening or nighttime celebrations without feeling too tired.

9. Surprise Your Travel Mate with a Gift

Why not surprise your beloved traveling companion with something special during your vacation together? On every Carnival cruise, you can send gifts and decor to a stateroom ahead of arrival to surprise your loved ones with flowers, plushies, food, beverages and more!

Finally, Remember What’s Important

In the end, it’s the people you’re spending time with that matter most. Always keep this in mind if plans fall apart or friends start bickering. It happens to the best of us! If you need to improvise, create some fun your way and let your companions know you’re still pumped to be with them. Safe travels, holiday explorer!

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