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7 Ways to Have Your Main Character Moment While Cruising

Sail into your main character moment on the high seas! Going on a Carnival cruise is the perfect time to live life like you’re the star of your own movie ( or TV show, or music video, or book, or anything else you enjoy), complete with all the cliché, feel-good moments you could ever want. 

In this post, we’ll be going scene-by-scene through some of the main character moments you can expect on your cruise. Lights, Carnival, action!

The Main Character Entrance

Cue the opening credits. As you step onto the deck, you take a moment to soak in the sights, sounds and smells around you. The salty sea breeze tousles your hair just the slightest bit, and a rush of excitement flows through your body. You’re dressed to impress in your sharpest outfit (first impressions are everything, after all), sunglasses carefully perched atop your head, an easygoing smile on your face. The other passengers? They’re mere extras in your grand entrance. As you strut down the grand hallways, you can almost hear the director yell, “Cut! Perfect!” because, let’s be honest— you totally nailed that scene.

The Shopping Spree

No movie is complete without an iconic shopping spree! Cue the upbeat pop music as you set off on a main character-worthy trip to the onboard Fun Shops. You stroll through the aisles like you’re on a runway in a high-fashion montage. The camera follows you, capturing the glint in your eye as you spot the perfect outfit—something that really screams “leading role.” You try it on, striking a pose in front of the mirror, the montage cutting to different angles that are somehow each more flattering than the last.

You glide past a jewelry store filled with pieces that sparkle and shine, a shop filled with sleek watches, another with cologne and perfume. You continue your spree, and the camera follows your hands as you pick up luxurious lotions, serums and maybe even a new signature fragrance. You confidently head toward the exit when you’re done, bags swinging and a satisfied smile on your face. 

The Pampering Montage

You’ve got the wardrobe, the accessories, the fragrance, the jewelry all set out—now it’s time for everyone’s favorite makeover montage. An upbeat pop song starts playing for the audience as the camera zooms in on the expert attendants at Cloud 9 Spa placing fresh slices of cucumber over your eyes. The scene transitions smoothly, the spa transforming into a sanctuary of tranquility. It cuts again to you lounging in the healing waters of the Hydrotherapy Pools, steam rising around you like a mystical haze.

Next, the camera captures a series of close-ups: your curious expression melting into relaxed bliss as acupuncture needles work their magic, a soft sigh escaping your lips as a deep tissue massage kneads away all tension. The soundtrack switches to a soothing melody, flowing perfectly into sync with the serene ambiance of the spa. A lingering shot on your beaming face reveals your skin’s newfound smoothness and radiant glow. The spa attendants quietly step back, their job complete. You’ve never been more ready for your close-up.

The Cruise Elegant Evening Staircase Descent

Now it’s time for the scene that makes it into all the trailers— the grand descent down the staircase. Dressed to the nines for Cruise Elegant night, you can feel heads turning, jaws dropping and crowds parting like the Red Sea to let you catwalk past them. The next shot: you, sitting pretty at one of your ship’s stylish onboard bars, whether you’re sipping on some mixology magic over at Alchemy Bar or a tropical concoction from RedFrog Rum Bar

Of course, that was just the appetizer. Dinner at The Chef’s Table Experience is a five-star affair; each course they bring out is somehow more splendid than the last. After dinner, you head to the casino, feeling like Bond, James Bond, as you try your luck at the tables. Slots, blackjack, poker, table games—you sample them all with the suave confidence of a seasoned participant. The lights flash, the chips clink and for a moment, you swear you’re the star of a high-stakes casino thriller. 

Stepping out of the casino, you take a deep breath and look around. The night sky is your backdrop, and the ship is your set. You’ve had your character entrance, shopping spree, pampering makeover and now, this moment of quiet satisfaction. This is the part of the movie where a light-hearted, optimistic tune starts playing over long shots of you looking out over the ocean. The camera pans out, capturing you in a serene silhouette against the vast, shimmering expanse of the sea.

The Against-All-Odds Victory

Everyone loves an underdog! Imagine that you’re hesitatingly joining a game of pickleball. You aren’t entirely sure what pickleball is, or how it became popular so fast, or why your mom recently joined a league, but you’re here to win! Fast forward through a few awkward serves, near-misses and frustrated sighs. Your opponents are worthy, and it’s clear you’ve met your match. 

As you take a water break, a wizened man in a colorful floral shirt strolling by the court gives you a nod and says, “You’ve got heart, kid. A word of advice? The fellow on the right has a weak backhand.” Refreshed and inspired, you step back onto the court with renewed determination. The music swells triumphantly as you start to find your rhythm. Each serve is more confident, each return more precise than it’s ever been. The spectators—extras in your epic sports movie—start to cheer. With one final, spectacular rally, you make the winning shot. The crowd erupts, and you’re lifted on your teammates’ shoulders, triumphantly waving to your adoring fans. Cut to black.

If you’re not into sports movies, or are after a more knowledge-based victory, don’t worry! Let’s rewind the movie a bit and choose a different game for you to conquer. Let’s say… a Family Feud Live game show on board! You step up to the podium with your team. The opposing side seems intimidating, but you channel your inner game show champion. The questions fly, and you buzz in with a flurry of correct answers that surprise even you. The host, with a dramatic flourish, declares your team the winner. It’s a moment worthy of a prime-time TV special, if you do say so yourself!

The Slow Clap Performance

No main character-worthy cruise is complete without a show-stopping performance.  Let us set the scene: a stylish karaoke lounge, a spotlight trained on an empty stage and the expectant hum of an audience. Granted, when onlookers first hear your shaky starting notes, they’re skeptical. You stand there, under the spotlight, nerves threatening to get the best of you. The opening bars of your chosen song echo in the room, and for a moment, you wonder if this was a huge mistake.

But then? Something clicks. Maybe it’s the encouraging nod from the DJ, or the memory of that song you thought sounded kind of okay when you sang it in the shower last week. Whatever it was, your voice steadies, your confidence builds and before you know it, you’re belting out the chorus like a seasoned rock star. The initial skepticism in the room melts away, replaced by awe and admiration. When the camera zooms in on the faces of the audience, it captures their transformation from uncertain to devoted fans.

As you hit the final, triumphant note, there’s a beat of stunned silence. Then, it happens—the slow clap. One person starts, then another, until the whole room is clapping and cheering, giving you that magical, movie-moment validation. You take a bow, feeling like the superstar you’ve always known you are.

The Bittersweet Goodbye

All good things must come to an end, whether it’s a movie, a book or an unforgettable journey. The final scene of your main character trip begins with a shot of you standing at the railing, gazing out at sea like you did on that magical night. You’ve made friends, conquered fears and even learned a few things about yourself. With a slow, meaningful look back, you disembark, ready to face the world anew.

So, what are you waiting for? Your main character moment awaits, and we can’t wait to help you find it.
That’s all, folks! Click here to explore our destinations, and start being the main character you know you are.