Celebrating Grandparents Day on a Carnival Cruise
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Celebrating Grandparents Day on a Carnival Cruise

I can’t believe September is here and school is back in session. This summer just flew by, like we knew it would. We had a great summer relaxing, taking it easy and just visiting some local spots here in Wisconsin.

2 children with their grandmother with water behind them

Our only regret this summer was not doing our usual trip to Dallas, Texas to visit my parents. Since we live in different states, we try to see my parents at least 3 to 4 times a year. I want my children to see their grandparents as much as possible, spend time together and create memories. Because we didn’t get a chance to see them this summer, we’re taking them on a Carnival Cruise in a few weeks and we are going to the Western Caribbean! We are so excited!

 2 children with their grandparents standing on a bridge with water behind them

We thought this would be the perfect Grandparents Day gift! My family and I are so excited and my kids can’t wait to go. This will be a first cruise for all of us. Since we’re traveling with my parents, we thought a shorter 4-day excursion would work best. With one night in New Orleans and 4 nights on board the Carnival Triumph, the length of time seems perfect for our family and my parents.

My parents have always worked so hard and given me, my brother and my sister so much. It’s their work ethic, attitude and heart that they passed down to us kids. They truly taught us by example. And now that we’re all grown up and have kids of our own, seeing my parents as grandparents is the best thing ever. They are so great with my kids.

Several children posing with their grandmother and grandfather

2 children, their parents and their grandparents sitting together and smiling

When both of my kids were first born, my husband and I were living in Los Angeles so we’ve never been in the same state with my parents. From LA, we moved to Seattle, Washington and then to Madison, Wisconsin. Over the years my parents have been more than happy to travel to see us and their grandchildren. I’m amazed and so thankful that we have managed to still see them on a regular basis. Family is everything and I’m so grateful for my parents.

Clear blue water in Cozumel with the beach and palm trees in the distance

Carnival has so many great destinations, it was hard to decide where we wanted to go but once we did, I knew we wanted to depart from New Orleans. This is one city I have always wanted to visit. Not only for the history but also the food! I can’t wait to go to a cafe and taste a beignet! That’s the first thing we’re doing as soon as we land in New Orleans!

Carnival Triumph and Carnival Breeze docked in Cozumel

Once we’re out at sea, we can’t wait to just relax by the pool, eat some great food, go on an excursion and just spend some great, quality time together as a family. And my children are so happy that they will get to share this experience with their grandparents!

September 21st can’t get here fast enough! We are beyond excited and I can’t wait to share more about our Carnival Cruise!

This post was created for Away We Go with Carnival, the destination for getting in the getaway state of mind.

Celebrating Grandparents Day on a Carnival Cruise