DIY Printable Smartphone Case Designs | Carnival Cruise Line
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DIY Printable Smartphone Case Designs

We’re back with more fun travel-inspired DIYs for you, thanks to Carnival Cruise Line! This one is simple as print, cut, and dress up your cell phone for your spring and summer travels! Our new graphic designer extraordinaire, Megan Roy, helped us bring our summery dreams to life with three gorgeous, super-cool designs so you can switch ’em out whenever you like. I’m currently rocking the colorful citrus design on my phone and it’s got me dreaming of jumping on a ship to some far-off island. Spring break, anyone?!




  • clear smartphone case
  • printable cases in small or large
  • printer
  • scissors or craft knife

Make Time: 5 Minutes



This one is beyond simple! Just print out the file corresponding to to your phone size — Small or Large. Cut around the outer edge of the design you like, and cut out the designated hole for the camera. Slip the paper into your clear phone case and put the case onto your phone. Ta-daaaaa! Your phone is travel-ready.

I love these! Megan did such a bang-up job, and perfectly encapsulated some spring and summer vibes to dress up your tech a little bit. (For more of her awesome design work, be sure to check out her shop and follow along on Instagram!). I mean, these patterns!


Lately when I travel I’ve been relying way more on my phone for capturing photos than on my large camera, and that’s another reason why I’m loving these pretty covers. The case keeps your phone safe while you’re photographing your adventures, with a pretty pop of color that you can change every day if you want! Do you mostly use your phone for photographs when you’re traveling? I always bring my DSLR but after a day or two it ends up staying in my suitcase because it’s just so much simpler to carry your phone. So which design would you pick for your next vacay? Or just to get that vacay feeling if you’re staying home for spring break? 😉 xoxo

P.S. Floral painted sunglasses for your travels!




DIY Printable Smartphone Case Designs | Carnival Cruise Line