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My Favorite Travel Memory

If you need any inspiration, look no further.

We’re all excited to get out and travel at the start of the new year and many of us haven’t taken a proper trip in a while. As we round out another year, it’s a great time to look back on the fond memories of special moments and incredible experiences (and food!) that traveling can provide. 

Here’s a small sample from a handful of seasoned travelers that highlight those moments that can happen when you’re out exploring the world.

Gelato always makes for sweeter memories.

Sienna, Italy: Samantha F.

I loved discovering and eating the best pasta and pizza I’ve ever had (and I’m from New York City!), then strolling the ancient cobblestone streets and marveling at buildings that dated back to B.C. years!

Whenever I came across a gelato shop, it looked so good I had to get some no matter what time of day it was. The classic flavor, “stracciatella,” is the best. It’s from Northern Italy and is milky with chocolate shavings mixed in.

Bahamian beaches are beautiful, but going out on the water offers new adventures.

The Bahamas: Andy A.

I went deep sea fishing off Grand Bahama and the water was so beautiful. I was completely satisfied just to be on a boat ride with friends, but I caught a good sized mahi-mahi and the crew prepped it for me right on the boat. We took it to a restaurant next to the dock and they cooked the fish three different ways that afternoon. It was one of my favorite meals. 

Would you bungee jump over the Copenhagen harbor?

Copenhagen, Denmark: Erik M.

I was talking with a few travelers at a bar in Copenhagen and spontaneously decided to go bungee jumping with them. I booked it the next day with a Canadian I’d just met and we went for an incredible bike ride to a little inlet in the harbor without any ships. She went first, and on my jump I almost touched the water—it was such an adrenaline rush!

Aruba has more biodiversity than most people imagine!

Aruba National Park: Shawn M.

Stepping off our cruise, we rented an ATV and rode through the streets, pulling over to explore any ideal snorkeling spots. We entered Aruba National Park next, which is like a desert and is dotted with cacti. It was such a crazy contrast to the shops all over the capital. There’s only one restaurant there and it had delicious local fish. The island’s biodiversity blew me away.

Sometimes a higher perspective lets you really appreciate a destination.

Gothenburg, Sweden: John A.

I climbed to the highest point of the city under the midnight sun. From up there, you can stare over the rooftops and even see the Northern Lights in the distance. It was unlike anything I’ve ever seen.

You don’t get a better “front porch” view than Green Lake.

California: Corrine B.

I traveled to the West Coast to backpack the Eastern Sierras with my dad for the first time. I was in awe of how different the terrain was every mile—and how few people I saw that week!

We made it to Green Lake, which was a gorgeous spot to camp. We set up right near the water and it felt like our front porch.

Boating around Cabo can brings you close to the arches, tropical fish, and even whales!

Cabo San Lucas, Mexico: Corey N.

On a cruise to Cabo, we went on a snorkeling excursion to different reefs and saw tons of colorful fish. I was the last one in the water—I loved it so much. Our captain then got a call from another charter about whales breaching, so we took a detour and got so close it seemed like they’d jump into the boat!

They were huge, but we could tell two were babies swimming with their mother.

The Plaza de Espana was built to impress visitors to the 1929 World’s Fair.

Seville, Spain: Jeremy N.

In Seville, I took an architecture tour that showed an incredible mix of modern buildings and classic and ancient ones. In the city center, we saw the “Metropol Parasol,” a huge wooden structure that locals say looks like interlocking mushrooms and I agree!

But the Plaza de Espana was the most impressive. The whole area was paved with Andalusian tiles and the man-made river had ornate bridges over it with people in row boats passing by. 

Iceland’s natural wonders are well known, but did you know about the incredible food?

Iceland: Leah M.

Iceland is well-known for its natural wonders—and should be—but I’d never heard about how fantastic the food was!

Along the “Golden Circle” outside Reykjavik is a restaurant called Friðheimar inside a large greenhouse. It only grows tomatoes, so all their fare featured them, from appetizers to dessert. Their signature tomato soup had a condiment caddy and a live basil plant for adding fresh leaves. After seeing the geysers, it was such comforting food.