Alchemy Bar

No magic spells are required to enjoy a cocktail creation at Alchemy Bar®, our unique vintage-themed cocktail "pharmacy" — all you need is a willingness to be surprised, to try something new. We’ve flipped through dusty old texts to uncover enticing combinations: select spirits, fresh juices, infused syrups, spices… and other tantalizing secrets performed before your very eyes by the true mix-masters: our bartenders. Choose a remedy from the menu, or let us prescribe you a custom elixir just for you, with or without alcohol.

Tip: Now you can sip without drinking! Wait, what? Alchemy Bar features seven classic cocktails hand-made with Lyre’s non-alcoholic spirits — all the goodness is in the mix, with none of the alcohol.

The Details:

Age Range: 21+
Cost: Additional

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