Travel by bus and enjoy views of Suva Harbour and Lacala Bay. Travel through one of Suva’s nicest suburbs and local landmarks. Then, cross the Waimanu River, famous for its water lilies, pass Adi Cakobau School (ACS) and stop at a village for a traditional Fijian welcome. Fiji warriors in traditional dress will escort you to the meeting place to join the chief and menfolk in the preparation of kava. Learn about Fiji’s history, way of life and view traditional arts and crafts demonstrations. Take a guided walk around the village, enjoy light refreshments and purchase souvenirs made by the villagers.
Wear comfortable warm-weather clothing and waterproof walking shoes. Modest attire is required for visiting local villages. Knees, shoulders and midriffs must be covered. Short shorts and swimwear are not allowed. Guests are asked to remove hats before entering the village. It is important to ask permission before taking an individual's photograph.